Orisic Warder

A life of slavery was only the start of Orisic's troubles. Now he's ready to take everything Eorzea stole from him — if he survives the effort.

A mountain. A man.

Hurt. Not broken.

Brutality. Purpose.

Slave. Gladiator.

Story. Contacts.

Pitch. Hooks. Gallery.


Orisic is a mountain of a man, but it didn't have to be that way. Once upon a time he could have been doomed to be an awkward beanstalk — much too tall and ungainly. But a brutal life had other ideas for him. Now all that height is filled in by muscle. Orisic was never sculpted. His shape is not the work of an intentional, careful exercise routine. War, killing, violence, and hardship made him thick and hard. His broad shoulders are accented by a powerful chest, and his arms make better rocks than limbs. But he's worn and moved in heavy armor for years. He's had to learn to react, and fast, if he wants to survive.His build is uneven, forged to whatever purpose kept him alive that day. After so many decades and so many purposes the sum is a collection of powerful parts. He would be ugly if he did not have such an intense care for himself. He keeps clean as best he can, maintains his beard, and sees to it his hair is cut just right. His body is much like his equipment after all: It performs best when it is cared for. His weapons, tools, and armor (boy, he's got a lot of them) are maintained in perfect order. Everything has its place on his body, or on the weapon rack. Nothing is left for tomorrow.Much as he is with others: Orisic takes care of everything.


Orisic still wears the scars of his slavery. He struggles to accept he's worth a single kind act, is almost afraid of the finer things he longs for, and frames everything he desires through the lens of someone else. He speaks in bullet points, doing his best to order his world, and his mind, in a way that focuses on the ever present "mission" whatever that might be in any given moment.Despite having forged his mind into a tool, Orisic can't help but be eternally curious. His head is full of questions. Will he ask them? Only time will tell in any circumstance.No matter where he is or what he's doing, Orisic takes responsibility. Even cutthroats need someone to make sure they're washing their hands before dinner. Even victims of Orisic's quest have to eat three square meals a day. Orisic was the "father" of several lost men and women, and that duty has implanted itself upon his psyche. He will often be spotted repairing clothes, fluffing pillows, improving campfires, and adjusting tents for others.


  • Create a bandit operation, complete with resources and people needed to take care of his subordinates, advise him, and support him.

  • Take care of monsters, find new monsters, and learn their magic.

  • Become wealthy enough to free slaves, and care for the children of those he killed in The Bloodsands.

  • Enjoy luxury for himself and his followers

Luxury: Life has been nothing but cruel to Orisic, and he's decided it's time to take what life owes him. That means he's accepted the wealthy are usually his enemy, and they must be the targets of his wrath. If the man would finally like to enjoy a moment of luxury or peace, he's convinced he has to take it for himself. That means he is capable of terrifying brutality and cruelty if he thinks his "mission" calls for it. Many innocent or heroic souls could become this beastmaster's victim if they're on his path.Duty: Orisic is also dedicated to making sure he can provide for the children of slaves he feels responsible for. After all, he sometimes had to kill other gladiators to win and earn the gil he needed to buy his freedom. Those dead gladiators had families, and he knows that all too well. He would also like to, one day, be wealthy and powerful enough to free slaves he feels responsible for. There is no telling who he will hurt, use, or dominate to reach his goal.Magic and monsters: Orisic holds compassion in his heart for nature, and for its monsters. He seeks to protect the land, and the animals within it, even those others might think are too far gone, mad with aether. He will protect beasts others would slay, and learn from them their own magic and powers. Orisic's best friend is a basilisk!Martial arts: Orisic has perfected his body into a tool meant for killing. Every day he continues to hone himself, to "sharpen the blade" so to speak. He eagerly strives to improve himself, to learn new skills, and make himself better. Life handed him suffering. He means to make it all worthwhile.


A life of slavery was only the start of Orisic's troubles.When the highlander was sold by his own parents, he was trained first to act as a child soldier, then as a bodyguard, and ultimately as an arena champion. He spent decades fighting side-by-side with those who suffered a similar fate, and sometimes against them in a bloody bid for survival. His brutal world forged him into a brutal man who balked at excess, knew nothing of luxury, but who took responsibility for those around him, and the evils he willingly took on. He was something of a father figure to other gladiators, and did his best to mentally and physically prepare them for their fates.His key to survival in The Bloodsands was his ability to empathize with the very monsters often sent to slay him. He forged a lifelong friendship with a basilisk who he still keeps close to this day. Thanks to a gift from a friend, he was able to begin learning the magic and skills of such monsters.When he ultimately won his own freedom, Orisic took it as an opportunity to look after the children of those still captured in bondage. He started to learn about what good there was in the world. He even fell in love. But that was brutally taken from him when a bid to rehabilitate a maddened monster cost him his mind. He roamed Eorzea as naught but a beast before someone dear to him was forced to put him down. Or so they thought.The near brush with death has helped restore Orisic's mind. It also really fucking hurt! Now he's back and it's finally time to forge the life he deserves, even if that means finding the means to squeeze water from a stone.


The developments of Orisic's life have been moved to a more convenient, easy to browse and update location!Check out the splash page here.The page reflects on Orisic's story developments and those of close allies, as well as the growth of his raiders and his camp!


I seek longterm dark and and adult roleplay with partners who can communicate and like to have conversations. Genres include: heroic, combat, criminal, faction building, and smut.I want writing friends who want to be part of this character's ongoing story, and who might like to interact with others close to him! I'm not looking for people who need to be dragged to RP, or who have no motivation of their own.I highly prefer Discord. I like multi-para writing for action, and quicker/shorter posts for back-and-forth dialogue.Discord is: waterfromstoneOrisic is an aspiring leader of bandits, a beastmaster, and a man who will do brutal, horrible things to other characters for causes he believes in. By the same token, he could also be an incredible friend or ally. He needs allies, underlings, and victims, but just as much he needs those who might need his help, or support.I will not roleplay with players who use racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic language.

Special thanks to Shae and Tonsa for any and all amazing pictures in this carrd! More below. Any cheating by using cutscenes are me! :D


  • You have gil. Orisic wants it.

  • You or your family used to own Orisic.

  • You have an important skill Orisic greatly lacks.

  • You need help from someone who is reliable.

  • You're a useful figure to someone seeking fortune and power. Orisic wants to take you.

  • You are hunting a beast. Orisic takes exception to that. Or helps.

  • You want to help Orisic in his goals.

  • You know where a useful monster is.

  • You know blue magic.

  • You want to collect Orisic's potential bounty. Or you just don't like bandits!

  • You're a fan from his days in The Bloodsands.

  • Any idea you might have!

Bonus Gallery

Warder's Rest

The name of a camp, soon to be a village, on the shores of Rothlyt Sound, south of a tributary of The Yugr'am River. The terrain is covered in plant life from Thanalan and The Shroud.Five families call this place home, having settled anew after a loved one died in The Bloodsands.It is frequently visited by a pair of artisans — a couturier and goldsmith — who are known as consorts and advisors to the camp's leader, Orisic Warder.Others who call the camp home include: Warder's Raiders, and The Surly Woodsmen. A skypirate airship lands in the waters nearby now and then as well.

Warder's Raiders

The raiders are growing. Here are a few members who have made a name for themselves.

Iphert: A kindly old Elezen who once served as a guardian to several members of the Gridanian gentry. He retired to live life as an angler, but joined the raiders to "Help out with an old man's many skills."Asine: A chubby young half-elezen woman who once served as a bartender in a hive of scum and villainy. Now she handles logistics, supplies, cooking, and (everything she can) for the raiders, who treat her like a little sister. She regards Tonsa Sae as her mistress and lady.Emma Trapper and Algar Dexter: A red-cheeked, dark-eyed bard, and a dark-haired, one-eyed former soldier, respectively. They are best friends, and push each other to improve their skills at arms.Ihne'ir Romno: A shy keeper thaumaturge who has been forced by circumstance to learn battlefield first aid, if poorly. He's a former poacher who now condemns such behavior, but gladly lives the life of a bandit. He's began apprenticing for a far more skilled healer.P'shahwa Tia: An expert scout and pickpocket. He knows how to blend in and keep an eye on things. He is also absolutely in love with Maelia. Poor guy.

The Surly Woodsmen

This team of trackers, hunters, and killers has a particular set of grievances. They felt poorly accommodated for their work for Gridania, protecting its blooded gentry. But they hold a love for the forest, and a hatred for poachers, and any who would lumber illegally in The Twelveswood. This makes them a great ally to The Raiders. They are led by the conjurer Efault Trenert and hunter Demarteau Voleur.

The Howlers

A piece-meal, ragtag "fleet" of three airships. They are led by sky pirate Jet Roulette who pays tribute to Orisic Warder. They sometimes land nearby Warder's Rest and visit to rest and recover in safety. The gunbreaker Pika Akira was recently blackmailed into the crew.

The Monsters

Under the watchful eye of a shockingly cunning basilisk, a few monsters are being tamed and trained for war. A great auroch is trained for breaking defenses, and it has gained great power of late. Several baby morbol are being raised. A pride of coeurl stalk the woods nearby the camp, seemingly friendly to its residents. The ongoing hunt for a rathalos has been completed!

Alliances and Monsters: Orisic and the raiders recently captured a rathalos with the help of a seemingly ordinary Ul'dahn stablehand, Maelia. They also captured an egg as a gift to a powerful Ul'dahn businesswoman.To sail West: Orisic and allies have begun to plan to steal a sailing ship. Jet has been ordered to steal a particular trade map to help isolate a ship to target.The Contessa recently tried to take Orisic down in order to collect one of his bounties, only to be defeated. She now serves as his retainer. Orisic just may have found his ship captain.In search of a powerful means to help sail more quickly, Orisic has stolen an infused wind crystal from Avianne Thodis. The merchant was also kidnapped in the raid.Flame and wealth: During his battles with a "merchant lord" in Eastern Thanalan, Orisic came across the sky pirate Jet Roulette. The pirate now pays tribute to Orisic, and benefits from his protection. Battles with this "lord" also brought wealth to Warder's Raiders.Home base: Orisic has been hard at work renovating an abandoned mining camp on the banks of a Yugr'am River tributary. Three old cabins have been repaired and function as the camp for his new banditry operation. It is now called Warder's Rest.Followers: Orisic has a band of trusted followers: Warder's Raiders. With help from allies, he has also brought a group of Gridanian woodsmen-turned-scofflaws under his banner. These woodsmen eagerly have helped Orisic punish merchants who wrong The Twelveswood.Families: Most recently, Orisic has achieved a personal goal of his. He convinced the families of many gladiators he killed, or fought beside as slaves, to join him at his camp where he can provide for them. He has sent much of his personal earnings to these families in the past.Building a life: With help from Tonsa Saey, who once nursed Orisic back to health, and A'shae, Orisic has his home base fully operational, and those who follow him have their basic needs seen to. He has taken both women as consorts, though Shae must be more secretive due to her own troubles.More Monsters: Orisic has tamed a basilisk, an auroch, and several baby morbol. He attempted to tame a Rathalos, but was interrupted by an Ishgardian former Temple Knight, who he has now taken prisoner. He recently took down a voidsent plaguing an Ul'dahn mine, and learned its spells.Proper gear: Thanks to Qin Manet, the woman who almost killed Orisic (he got better), the man now has a proper suit of armor. It's beyond anything he ever could have dreamed of, worth an outright fortune. Others have made sure he is outfitted in quality magical protections from a goldsmith, as well as fine, new clothes to make a good impression. He's no longer scraping by in rugged clothes (even if he'd prefer them).